Throughout my years as an investor, I've had the great privilege to work with many fantastic businesses and management teams and to see companies flourish and grow. As a founding partner, Managing Partner and now Chairman of Sovereign, it's been a delight and pleasure to see our own firm also develop in this way.
I started my investment career at 3i, having graduated from the University of London with a first class degree in Physics (with Medical Application). Even as a young boy I always wanted to really understand what makes something tick – often literally – and I carried this into my working life. Discovering the detail of how a business works and its sector dynamics, helps to develop the right growth strategy for it. But the key determinant is always the people – talented management teams are what truly shape a company.
At Sovereign we are probably best known for our expertise in Buy & Build. This investment strategy isn't only about follow-on acquisitions – it's also about investing in systems, technology and infrastructure and much more. And no matter where we invest, quality is at the heart of what we do.
The focus, passion and drive that teams put into expanding and developing their business, time and time again, is something I've always admired.
Today I chair Sovereign's investment committee and continue to support the work of the team. Connecting with like-minded colleagues, entrepreneurs and management teams is what really drives me.
Married and with two sons at university, the physicist in me is still very much alive. There's nothing quite like hearing the heartbeat of a well-fettled classic engine.